Nog ‘n glasie – ‘n Rubriek
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Storie van Hoop
Vrou op Straat
Een van ons vrywilligers (Klerksdorp kantoor) het onlangs die gedig geskryf oor ‘n bejaarde tannie (63) wat ‘n alombekende bedelaar by een van die robotte op die N12 naby Burger King was. Sy het vroeër vanjaar, na haar dag se
Share in the season of grace and compassion
Wrapping it up for the year! We have had our ups and downs, but one thing is certain – we are grateful….thank you for being part of our circle of friends. You can make a difference and help those in
Beeld Kinderfonds Kerstydinsameling
Ons wil gemeentes en individue aanmoedig om hierdie jaar rondom Kersfees ‘n bydrae aan Beeld Kinderfonds te maak. Die fondse word aangewend vir spesiale projekte van NG Welsyn. Dit sluit in terapeutiese dienste vir kinders in ons Kinderbeskermingsprogramme, opheffingsprojekte in
A Little Girl: Before and After
Nothing equals the importance of ensuring our children are safe from neglect and abuse. Thank you to our dedicated social workers and safety parents. We had to protect her identity, but we wish you could see her lovely eyes; so
Abused by landlord in exchange for rent
Before she was removed from her home and placed in safe care, this was the circumstances a young girl  (7) lived in. Her mother didn’t disapprove when she was abused by their landlord in exchange for discount on their rent.
To be mother of twins again
A lovely story for a Friday afternoon…Aunt Garnis Reneke (84) once more has twins to care for. When aunt Garnis gave birth to premature twins years ago, the doctors had no hope that they would survive. But she and uncle
Our new managing director introduces himself
How shall I introduce myself to you? Nico van Rensburg was born in the same room as his mother on his grandfather’s farm DE NOVO on 19 November 1953. My mother simply named me after all of the family. From