
Make a Donation

Your generosity enables us to continue serving vulnerable children, families, and the elderly.
Donations to NG Welfare are tax-deductible, and we can issue a Section 18A certificate.
Earn BEE points by supporting our socio-economic development initiatives. Financially support one or more of our projects as part of your enterprise’s Corporate Social Responsibility Programme.

Our Banking details

NG Welsyn Noordwes

Management of finances, donations and volunteers

To learn more about how our finances, donations, and volunteers are managed read our most recent Annual Report for detailed insights.

Support a cause close to your heart

Every donation to NG Welfare supports women, children, families, and the elderly in need.
You can donate to:

Child and family care

Elderly care

Our needs list

Donations in natura

  • Food and especially non-perishable groceries
  • Toiletries
  • Clothing and second-hand clothing
  • Blankets
  • Furniture and household items
  • Toys

Make a financial contribution

Your financial contribution will used to:

  • Sponsor an elderly resident’s stay
  • Provide therapy for traumatised children
  • Cover the medical expenses of our beneficiaries, including:
    • Dentistry
    • Ophthalmology
    • General doctor’s consultations as needed
  • Fund educational and extracurricular activities and projects, such as:
    • School tours
    • Sport equipment and clothing
    • Matric farewell costs
    • Parental guidance groups
    • Prevention of teenage pregnancy
    • Anti-bullying
    • National Child Protection Week
    • Career guidance for teenagers
    • Life skills

Our partners & sponsors