Focus on elderly abuse

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Focus on elderly abuse

They took her pension money each month, she was slapped in the face by her own son, she was left alone all day and is not allowed to receive visitors. Her last bath was two weeks ago, because she cannot do it herself… NG Welfare joins the rest of the world today in drawing attention to elder abuse and to break the silence. It can be financial abuse or exploitation, emotional or psychological abuse, and physical abuse. Feelings of shame can often keep elder abuse hidden. You may not want to believe a family member could be capable of abusing a loved one, or you may even think that the older adult would be angry at you for speaking up. But remember, everyone deserves to live with dignity and respect.

If you think that you or a loved one may be the victim of elder abuse call Age-in-Action’s national toll-free care line on 080-033-3231, or call the nearest police station. You can also contact your nearest NG Welfare Home for the Elderly. See a list of branches at

‪‬Koster Home for the Elderly reached out to the Immanuel Hope Centre in the Reagile informal settlement, donating bread and soup as well as worm clothing against the winter cold.

Focus on elderly abuse