Where do we work and what services do we offer?
NG Welfare Vereeniging says “yes” to happy families and healthy communities through faith, hope and love in action! This office celebrates is more than 70 years old.
Protecting children forms a large part of the daily task of the social workers at NG Welfare Vereeniging. Since children form part of families, social workers also go to great lengths in supporting families and preventing them from falling apart, by means of counselling, therapy and activities that alleviate poverty.
When children are no longer protected sufficiently by their parents or family members, social workers obtain a court order to protect the children involved. Then the children are often placed in an alternative caring position such as foster care or in a children’s home.
Once children are placed in alternative care, assistance to the biological parents still continues. The aim is to rehabilitate the parents so that the children can be restored in their care. This is also known as family reunion services.
With the help of the auxiliary social worker, several projects are undertaken, such as group discussions with youths, a vegetable garden project, teaching hand- and needlework skills, projects for children during which they are taught to protect themselves, as well as play groups for preschool children. In so doing communities are assisted to helping themselves. Read more on this topic on this webpage under community work.
Administrative officer
Andrea Combrink
Social workers
Petra Oberholzer (Supervisor)
Juanita Verster
Sharné Pretorius
Sanah Ramone (Social Auxiliary worker)
Charity Ngonyama
Street address:
30 Hofmeyer Street
Postal address:
PO Box 272
Contact Details:
Tel: 016 421 4044/5
Fax: 086 509 3505
Email: vereen.admin@ngwelfare.co.za